Treasures' Charity Thrift Store

Treasures' Charity Thrift Store
Store Front

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


The other day, I was fortunate to meet up with a former high school teacher, who was donating items to the store. It had been a few years since I had been in high school and found that this customer had a familiar face.

After some inquiries, I had established that this customer had indeed been my high school English teacher. She had imparted on me the love of live plays and listening to the CBC for their programming. I now have passed along this love of seeing plays to my children.

She told me that she loves 'Treasures' and had purchased books when her children were younger.

Thank to Treasures for the wonderful memories that have been stirred up.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dedication to one of our Customers

I would like to dedicate this posting to one of our regular customers, who has recently passed away. Carl, was a patron of Treasures for many years and was well liked by many of the volunteers and local residents.

He would often pick some up some baked goods and bring some goodies to the volunteers. Carl was a cheerful and friendly man with always a good word for our volunteers.

Thank you, Carl for the years of loyalty to Treasures and the friendships you developed with the numerous volunteers. You will be greatly missed!